
Infallible Imams Inspirations [III]

| B[ay]ism-e-Rabbi[a]l-Mahdi ::
[Beginning] In [the] Name of [the] Lord of the Mahdi [God's Granted Guide for all His creations in all known/unknown/seen/unseen.. dimensions..]

Imam Husain (a.s.), The one who solves even one problem of a believer, Allah will solve all his problems of this world as well the Hereafter. :: Behaarul Anwaar, vol. 78, pg. 122

Imam Baqir (a.s), Allah created Karbala before Kaaba by twenty four thousand years and made it chaste and pure. This position of Karbala will remain forever. Allah has made it from the most superior land of the paradise. :: Kamiluz Ziaraat, pg.270 ||| ||| [31:24] Ahmed Ali :: We let them enjoy themselves only for a while, then We shall drag them to a severe punishment.

Do they not know that whoever acts in opposition to Allah and His Apostle, he shall surely have the fire of hell to abide in it? That is the grievous abasement. :: [The Immunity (AT-TAWBA) (9), 63]