
Qur'an/Koran/The Recitation :: Reading Random Revelations

[42:51Ahmed Ali
It is not given to man that God should speak to him except by suggestion or indirectly, or send a messenger to convey by His command whatsoever He please. He is all-high and all-wise.

[41:21Ahmed Ali
And they will say to their bodies: "Why did you testify against us?" They will answer: "God, who gave all things power of articulation, made us speak. It is He who created you the first time, and to Him you will return.

[2:269Ahmed Ali
He gives wisdom to whomsoever He please; and those who are bestowed wisdom get good in abundance. Yet none remembers this save men of wisdom.

[68:18Ahmed Ali
But did not add: "If God may please."

So do not comply with those who deny: (8) They only want that you should relent, so that they may come to terms.(9) Do not heed a contemptible swearer, (10) Or backbiter, calumniator, slanderer, (11) Who hinders men from (doing) good, the transgressor, the iniquitous, (12)Crude, and above all, mean and infamous, (13) Simply because he possesses wealth and children. (14) When you recite Our revelations to him, he says: "These are fables of long ago." (15)   We shall brand him on the muzzle. (16) We have tried you as We tried the owners of the garden when they vowed to gather the fruits in the morning (17)   But did not add: "If God may please." (18) [68:8 - 68:18]
BLESSED BE HE who holds the (reins of) Kingship in His hand, who has power over everything, (1) Who created death and life in order to try you to see who of you are best of deed. He is all-mighty and forgiving, (2) Who created the seven skies one above the other. Do you see any disproportion in the creations of Ar-Rahman? Turn your eyes again. Do you see any fissures? (3) Turn your eyes again and again. Your gaze turns back dazed and tired. (4) We have adorned the lowest sky with lamps, and made them missiles against the devils, for whom We have prepared a torment of most intense fire. (5) For those who believe not in their Lord there is the punishment of Hell; and what a wretched destination (6When they are cast into it, they will hear it roar and raging (7) [67:1 - 67:7]

[66:12Ahmed Ali
And of Mary, daughter of 'Imran, who guarded her chastity, so that We breathed into her a new life from Us, and she believed the words of her Lord and His Books, and was among the obedient.

[66:11Ahmed Ali
And God presents the example of Pharaoh's wife for those who believe, when she said: "O Lord, build me a house in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his deeds, and save me from a wicked people;"

[65:12Ahmed Ali
It is God who created several skies, and as many earths. The commandment is sent down among them so that you may know that God has power over everything, and everything is held within the knowledge of God.