

Viewing [..meditative meanings/messages..] as if through an outsider's point of view.

PURE PERFECT PROPHET [P] said/says :: Doubtlessly Hadith of Fazail `Aal-e-Mohammad [Prophet's Pure/Purified Progeny {P}/{S}/{A}] have an elegance or grandeur which is highly difficult. It can be bearable or tolerable by very selected angels, Rasools (Prophets) or those believers whose hearts have been tested [unknown to them {previously}{untested at an earlier point/period/preexistence}{haven't gone through the process of higher self/soul/spirit/Self discovery/disclosure/realization/consciousness..}].

O Salman! O Jundab! A Momin who has been tested by Allah [SWT] is that who instantly accepts our Amr [attributes] and he does not reject any matter pertaining to ourselves, Allah [SWT] helps him through opening his Chest’. He will not exhibit an element of doubt or suspicion. However, he who quibbles with why and how becometh a disbeliever. Thus be submissive to Amr Allah we are, verily, the Amr Allah [Cause of Allah {SWT}]! Arabic/AR :: Nahnu Amru`llah.

al-Kafi fi  Ilm al-Din ["What is Sufficient in the Knowledge of the Faith"] [Link al-Kāfī]

Kitab Al-Kafi :: Translated By - Muhammad Sarwar :: Part 4 - The Book about People with Divine Authority :: Chapter 102 ::

The Hadith (statements) of Ahl al-Bayt (members of the family of Prophet Muhammad) is Difficult and becomes Difficult

H , Ch. 102, h 1

d ibn Sinan from Ammar ibn Marwan from Jabir who has said the following. "Abu Jafar (A) has said that the Messenger of Allah has said, The Hadith (statements) of Ahl al-Bayt (members of the family of Prophet Muhammad) is difficult and it becomes difficult. No one believes in it except the angels that are close to Allah or the Prophets who are Messengers also, a servant of Allah whose He has tested for faith. Whatever would come to you of the Hadith (statements) of Ahl al-Bayt of Muhammad (members of the family of Prophet Muhammad), if your heart would feel relief and you recognized them accept them. Whatever that would cause antipathy in your hearts and you could not recognize leave them to Allah, to the Messenger of Allah and the scholar from Ahl al-Bayt of Muhammad. The ones to perish are those who do not accept Hadith of Ahl al-Bayt (members of the family of Prophet Muhammad). Whenever one is narrated to them they say, "By Allah, this was not and that was not." Denial is disbelief."

H , Ch. 102, h 2

Ahmad ibn Idris has narrated from Imran ibn Musa from Harun ibn Muslim from Masada ibn Sadaqa who has said the following. "I said to abu Abdallah that I one day spoke of Taqiya (hiding something for fear) before Ali ibn al-Husayn (A)." He said, "By Allah, if abu Dhar knew what was in the heart of Salam [Salman] he would have killed him even though the Messenger of Allah had formed brotherhood between them. What then would you think of the rest of the people? The knowledge of the scholars is difficult and it becomes difficult. No one is capable to bear it except a prophet who is a messenger also or an angel who is close to Allah or a believer whose heart Allah has tested for faith." The Imam (A) then said, "The only reason that Salamn became of the scholars is because he is a man from us (Ahl al-Bayt). For this reason I ascribed him to the scholars."

H , Ch. 102, h 3

Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from al-Barqi from ibn Sinan or others in a marfu manner from abu Abdallah (A) who has said the following. "Our Hadith (statements) are difficult and they become difficult. Only well lighted chests, the well protected of virtuous moral abilities are capable to accept them." Allah has taken a pledge from our Shia (followers) just as He has taken such pledge from the children of Adam "Am I not Your Lord?" Whoever would remain loyal to us Allah will grant then paradise. Whoever would dislike us and would not deliver our rights to us they will live in fire forever."

H , Ch. 102, h 4

Muhammad ibn Yahya and others have narrated from Muhammad ibn Ahmad from one of our people the following. "I wrote to Imam al-Hassan al Askari (A) saying, May Allah take my soul in service for your cause, what is the meaning of the following Hadith of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A)? "Our Hadith (statements) are difficult and they become difficult. No one is capable to bear them not even an angel or a prophet who is also a messenger or a believer whose heart Allah has tested for faith.?" The answer came as herein below. "The meaning of the words the truthful one that angels, prophets and believers are not capable to accept them is that of the truthful one is that the angel does bear it until he deliver it to other angels. The prophet does not bear it until he delivers it to another prophet and the believer does not bear it until he delivers to another believer. This is the meaning of the words of my grandfather."

H , Ch. 102, h 5

Ahmad ibn Muhammad has narrated from Muhammad ibn al-Husayn from Mansur ibn al-‘Abbass from Safwan ibn Yahya from Abdallah ibn Muskan from Muhammad ibn Abd al-Khaliq and abu Basir who has said the following. "Abu Abdallah (A) said, O abu Muhammad, with us there is a secret of the secrets of Allah and a knowledge of the knowledge of Allah. No angel, near to Allah or a prophet who is a messenger also and no believer whose heart Allah has tested for faith is capable to bear. By Allah, Allah has not required anyone to bear it except us nor has He required anyone to worship him in that way except us. With us there is a secret of the secrets of Allah and a knowledge of the knowledge of Allah. Allah has commanded us to preach it. We then preached what Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most gracious, had commanded us to preach. However, we did not find a proper place for it or a people or bearers who accept it until Allah created certain tribes. These people were created from the clay out of which Muhammad and his descendants were created and from a light from which Allah had created Muhammad and his descendants. He made them with the excess of the making of His blessings out of which He had made Muhammad and his descendants. We then preached what Allah had commanded us to preach then these people accepted and acknowledged that. [It reached them from us and they accepted and acknowledged it]. Our mention reached them and their hearts inclined towards us, recognizing us and our hadith. Had they not been created from this they would not have been as such. No, by Allah, they would not have acknowledged."
Then the Imam (A) said, "Allah created certain tribes for Hell and fire. He then commanded us to preach to them as we had preached to them but to the later ones it seemed repugnant and their hearts felt hatred and they rejected it from us, did not acknowledge it and considered it as lies and they said, "They are magicians and liars." Allah then placed a seal on their hearts and made them to forget. Allah then opened their tongue with some of the truth. Thus, they speak of it but their hearts are in denial. He uses it in defense of His friends and those who obey Him. Had it not been there no one would have worshipped Allah on earth. He commanded us to withheld it from them, hide and conceal. You must also hide it from those that Allah has commanded to withheld from and hide from those that Allah has commanded to hide and withheld from." The narrator has said that the Imam (A) then raised his hands and wept and said, "O Lord, this is a very small group. Make our lives as their lives and our death like their death. Do not make dominant over them any of Your enemies that would cause us suffer pains for their suffering. If You would allow it to cause pains to us because of their sufferings no one would worship You on earth. May Allah send blessing up on Muhammad and his Ahl al-Bayt and may (Your) peace and more peace be with them."