


O Allāh, Instil Happiness in the Spirits of the Inhabitants of the Grave
O Allāh, Enrich Every Indigent (Poor One)
O Allāh, Satisfy Every Hungry Person
O Allāh, Clothe Every Unclothed One
O Allāh, Facilitate the Payment of Every Indebted One
O Allāh, Relieve Every Deeply Anguished One
O Allāh, Return Every Stranger
O Allāh, Free Every Captive
O Allāh, Reform Every Uneven Affair of the Muslims
O Allāh, Cure Every Sick Person
O Allāh, Fill Our Poverty With Your Needlessness
O Allāh, Change Our Unpleasant State Into Your Beautiful State
O Allāh, Facilitate the Payment of Our Debt
And Make us Needless
Surely You Are All-Powerful Over Everything


|||[1] If two opposite theories are propagated one will be wrong.
|||[2] Importance of the deeds that you have done with fear of Allah cannot be minimized and how can the deeds which are acceptable to Allah be considered unimportant.
|||[3] He is the wisest and the most knowing man who advises people not to lose hope and faith in the Mercy of Allah and not to be too sure and over-confident of immunity from His Wrath and Punishment
|||[4] An Angel announces daily: "Birth of more human beings means so many more will die, collection of more wealth means of much more will be destroyed, erection of more buildings means so many more ruins will come".

Allegiance only to Allah and Allah's Appointed Authorities

|||IT IS SERIOUSLY STRANGE SITUATION that the most masses/majority are unable to comprehend the Absolute Almighty Artist/Architect/Avenger [Allah Alone]; for to comprehend the Lord it is essential to submit to the 14 Allah's Appointed Authorities, for they are not nominated, selected, elected etc by the people but are God's Granted Guardians/Guides and whomsoever denies them doesn't deny/disbelieve in them in factual faith for to deny/disbelieve in them is to deny Allah as Allah Alone made them a condition and part of "La Illaha Illlallah" and whomsoever doesn't recognize the Imam/Caliph/Divinely Decreed Delegate of his/her time dies the death of Jahaliya/Ignorance/Pre-Islmic Period, so get to know the 14TH who walks world[s]; is alive and living on this earth right now as we speak of him, that is by/through the Command/Will of Allah, so submit before Allah calls you back, for ever, 110X [for AA {Allegiance to Allah}{& don't submit to AB/U.. etc}]

110X to my sister for her inspiration and pointing these out, here are some more BOOKS + LINKS for y/our reading pleasure, please participate, IA if you will ::


Why do they not think/ponder/meditate..[?]. And for those; who are open minded as Allah appointed us all is a great gift - granted ability to see the unseen; only for those who do think and meditate per periodic prescription[s]. Here is something for diving deeper doors/dominions/dimensions..; higher/highest/heavenly heights/horizons..; multidimensional mature minds meditate more.. [IA] ::

[Shakir 36:12] Surely We give life to the dead, and We write down what they have sent before and their footprints, and We have recorded everything in a clear writing.

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 36:12]

On the day of judgement every individual, man or woman, will be brought to account for his or her deeds.

Some of the effects and consequences of the good or evil done by an individual continue to exist in the society, which usually affect the conduct of other people, therefore the primary cause of such evil or good will have to be dealt with (punished or rewarded) in view of the influence it exercised on others, in addition to its own recompense.

Once the people of Bani Salim told the Holy Prophet that their houses were far from the masjid and they would like to build homes near the masjid of the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet said: "Be you where you are now, for every step you take toward the masjid is also counted in your account of righteousness."

For imamim mubin see commentary of Baqarah: 2 and 124.

Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir said that when this verse was revealed, Abu Bakr and Umar asked the Holy Prophet: "Is imamum mubin the Tawrat given to Musa?" The answer was: "No". Again they asked: "Is it Injil, given to Isa?" The answer was: "No". Then they asked: "Is it the Holy Quran?" "No", was the answer. Then turning towards Ali ibn abi Talib, the Holy Prophet said: "Verily this is the Imam in whom Allah has deposited the knowledge of everything." Then, addressing the people present there, the Holy Prophet said: "O people, there is no branch of knowledge Allah did not teach me and I have not conveyed it to Ali. Verily Allah has given me wisdom and I have given it to Ali. I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate."

Aqa Mahdi Puya says:

Whatever man does is recorded. The record of the deeds of every individual, and the records pertaining to creation and legislation (which includes knowledge of everything that has been created since the beginning, its progress and the laws governing it) have been made known to "the manifesting Imam", therefore he is the repository of all knowledge. The manifesting Imams have been clearly identified in Ahzab: 33; Waqi-ah: 77 to 79; Ali Imran: 61 andhadith al thaqalayn (see page 6).