
matured mercy med


[re en vision] Sean Stone :: "..[ video @ 16:19] I was told in.. in Iran, by one of their top Jinn Masters there, that he believes [Master M] Mahdi [A] showed himself for the 1ST time [in New Age; current contemporary consciousness{es}] in 2006, in the invasion of Lebanon, the-33 day war [video at 16:33].."


[Universal Muslim Association of America]
Conference 2012

Speaker :: Sean Ali Stone [Ex Non Muslim] ::

So, uh, so it's very funny when I hear this "Sean Stone converted to Islam" and I keep telling them the same thing I told them in Iran.

I did not convert to Islam, you cannot change, you can't convert if you maintain the same God, I did not change gods, what I did was I accepted Mohammad [P] as a Prophet, Last Prophet

[Crowds sends/sending Salutations & in response Sean smiles :) and says] "I like that sound".

Uh, I wish.. I have to learn Arabic and Farsi too, but, it's an acceptance of Islam which is to say, you know, I have come from a Jewish bloodline, partly.

Uh, baptized, in the Church, Protestant, and accepted Mohammad [S] but what the point is that I want, I hope that people understand that we are coming to a new age of engagement between each other and the problem that I have seen across many countries is the way that people basically categorize themselves.

They put up stereotypes and they put up orders around what is possible and impossible and we forget that ultimately as the old testament says "All men is created in the image of God" and so really what does that mean that we are here, all of us, as different colors, different shades, diff aspects of that One Creator and the more we can recognize the Creator within each other, respect our fellow men as such, that is our, that is how we give thanks to God, that is how we praise God and so the religious practice is a formality, as we know, we are Shia.

I accepted Shia Islam because I love Imam Ali [A], I love Imam Hussain [A], Ashura and I love the fact that the Shia of.. [crowd clapping and a brief break, salutations].

You know I think the Shia are the Last of the Mohicans [Mahicans], I call it.

It's.. truly.. I have participated in the.. uh, one of the songs of Ashoora when I was in Iran last beating of the chest and this amazing energy that we created in giving honor to the sacrifice because that's what the Shia are about, they stand for the oppressed, they stand for the common man against empire, against tyranny, we don't submit when the Yazid or a caliph tells us to and that's what we need in the world and that's frankly why even before accepting Islam my friends who were Shia always said to me, you know, they fear us, they really do [!].

Who did he mean, he means The Empire, The Satanic Empire that rules the world and we can get into that.

Uh, but they fear the power of faith and it's something that you have to earn, it's not something that you can simply claim, you can't simply stand and say I am a Christian, I am Jew, I am a Muslim, I have the right, you know, by claiming that, to execute you, to tell you what to do, to tell you what to wear, to what to think, that's not your power, God doesn't empower you to do that. The humility is.. of Islam is to submit to God. To rectify yourself and be able to say I stand in relation to my maker and I answer to Him and if I can be an image, a model, for other to follow, then I am in the tradition of Shiism, I am in the tradition of Imam Hussain [A], who dies [is martyred].. takes upon himself the sacrifice, not as an aggressor, but being aggressed [upon].

His [Imam Hussain's] people being terrorized and being threatened with death, he [Hussain] says I will do what is Just, what is Righteous, which is to sacrifice myself, and that's the model that we should follow. This is the nature of Islam to me, is finding, is being a model citizen, a model human being and standing for the rights of the oppressed in this world we live in but the problem.., I will start, I will start with this, I will start with my personal path, which is to say through faith, how do you earn faith, how do you find faith, you can't simply [be born].. you know.. [you can't] be born into religion if you are born into the world and you say.. you have.. you know.. you believe in something, but you don't know what.. how do you find.. how do you find God? have higher order of energy and oil, right? To dream of traveling to Mars, to dream of space, that's not a human right, a human right is to prostitute our self! [sarcasm] a human right is to steal from our neighbor! our human right is greed! that's what they call freedom! You see now why it is satanic, the satanic impulse isn't.. your human right is not the freedom to create, to build.. it's the "freedom" to destroy, it's "freedom" to take, so they created a satanic empire and it's now at it's last glimpse, you are gonna.. we are gonna see in the coming years a world that only God can dream of, maybe the Hadith is predicting it, maybe their will be madness in cities, maybe there will be earthquakes and destruction..

In my case, it was probably in abandoned mental hospitals, it was in.. one place particularly called [the] House of the Damned, it was a.. old house in L.. Village, which was a mental hospital for kids and this place was known as [the] House of the Damned because the legend had it that a Catholic Priest used to systematically kidnap, rape, sacrifice satanically young children from this mental hospital, there were about 20 or 30 kids that were killed in this way, this was done.. this was a known legend in that area, it took place probably 40 or 50 years ago, maybe 60, but the house.. we wanted to explore it, we wanted to find out for our self, if it was haunted, what lived there, well, ..this world becomes a subject of a film I made called Greystone and IA documentaries to come about it.. because we faced there demon possession, I have seen people transformed.. from demons, djinns took possession of them, screaming.. they lost coherence, they lost possession of their bodies. We walked into the house one night on valentine's day in 2010, myself and my friend Alex, who is also a Shia, Lebanese, and all we had was faith. We had no idea what we were walking into, we had candles, we were gonna pray for the souls of the dead and as we walked towards this house we heard demons, we heard laughing, we heard children screaming, alone in an abandoned house, hawling of wolfs, and we kept going on, staying focused, saying we are here to pray, and that all we did, we walked through the house, we put down 3 candles, lit them and prayed for the souls of the children. Meanwhile, demons are laughing and hawling, mocking us, but I.. we didn't fear it, we walked through it, we got out and few months later the house burned down. Wasn't my doing, but there was.. there was a justice to it, God Acted, you have to have faith and God will always Act as He wills but you have to have.. first you have to have that faith, you have to have that prayer, we prayed for the souls of the children, I think the souls of the children that were harmed there were released from that place, I believe that the djinns that lived there were exiled, hopefully they will all return to heaven. The point is, by going through this path, by facing what is unknown, the only thing you have is the light of your consciousness, the faith in your heart, the ability to carry [on] into these dark places and know that you have a principle to stand upon because really at every moment  we are dealing with the unknown, this is all practice, this is training, you know you don't have to go look for djinns, you don't have to go into haunted houses to do it, but it's one form of training..

..this is training, you know you don't have to go look for djinns, you don't have to go into haunted houses to do it, but it's one form of training, it's what, you know.. in a sense what Hizbullah does, it's a training to find your ability to face what you don't know. Everyday now we are facing a future we don't know, every moment we can be struck down, any moment we can be taken from this earth, any moment the economy will collapse completely, we can hit hyper inflation, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, destruction, death, much of this is prophecy, much of this may come this year, next year, in any case we have to face death, it's part of life, but what gives us the courage to carry on. What gives us the seed of the idea that there is a future beyond and I think that comes from the principle of faith. You see we live in very dark times.. I think everyone knows it, for me it hit in 2009 in a very particular way where I said this is the end of history, quite literally, it is the end of history as we know it. We were about to.. this is right at the.. [I think it's..] maybe it was 2008-9.. right at the cap of the economic collapse, those of us who payed attention to this stuff knew that it was coming but end of history meant something else, it meant that they were entering a new phase of reality, where the world that you assume is normal and ordinary may not be that way tomorrow, the stock market that you think is.. you know.. will survive, could collapse, the housing market, all these, these, these are just various.. these are just various glimpses of material collapse taking place around us but it's an evidence of something much bigger, it's evidence that we are hitting a transition point in the world, we don't have to rely upon the dictates of old, what the empire tells us, [that] this is the way you should live, this is the way you should think because frankly they have no principle, that's why you look around, what you see, what kind of culture do you see, what kind of insanity and madness do you see, I will give you an example, look at Rehanna's video S&M, this is now more.. this is now common reality, Rehanna who is a product of the Illuminati, she is Jay-Z's apprentice, personally have some information about that but the point is that she is basically bought into it, as to be a.. as to be an object, an idol of worship, as most these people are, they have created an iconic culture which is complete heresy, doesn't matter if we are talking Judaism, Christianity or Islam, it's heretical, to put people as idols, they are not gods, why do you give them your energy, do they transform you, do they uplift you, Rehanna's S&M video she puts blatantly in front of you "Princess of the Illuminati" on one of the reporter's notepads, the whole video is about how sex is bestial, it's homoerotic, it's heterosexual, it's S&M, it's about pain is pleasure, the whole song is about pain and being pleasure, this is normalcy, this is now made normal, your children will grow up watching this, your children will grow up thinking this is the normal way of behavior, this is the way we should be. There is no principle, there is no morality, there is no love, it's 1984.. [I came to this? or something or] made this brave new world and if you can't handle it, take drugs, don't pray, if you can't handle it you are gonna face the hunger games, you will have to fight to survive and to kill each other, but no one prays in that film, no one actually talks of God, no one talks about the moral consequences of murder, because they are kids, they don't know any better, but we are adults, we are suppose to be smarter, we are suppose to be more mature, we are supposed to be elevating our people, why do we treat them.. all as children, they are too.. they are too ignorant to know better? Well that's why we have principle, that's what we have to stand upon, the principles of our faith, of our religion, and beyond..

The Principles of religion, you know.. it's not the Letter of the Law, as Christ always talked about the Spirit of the Law, it's not about persecuting someone because they work on the Sabbath, it's not about persecuting them because they don't wear hijab but you can educate them, you can tell them, you can lead them and give them an opportunity to understand [learn] that why their path may be wrong. You don't have to persecute them but we are in an age now where human rights doesn't mean the right to build a city, the right to dream of a future, to industrialize, to have higher order of energy and oil, right? To dream of traveling to Mars, to dream of space, that's not a human right, a human right is to prostitute our self! [sarcasm]..

..maybe half of the world population will die [transfer to Barzakh; life after physical death; stages/stations of hereafter].. many people think this, personally I have more faith, I have more faith in God [SWT], I have more faith in Mahdi [A], the power of Light to transform, the power of consciousness to heal, the power that at any moment as human beings we can simply say no we don't accept your standards, we don't accept your norms, we will not go along, we will resist..

..I made a video to impeach Obama on principle. Weather or not he is impeached, it's not my power, all I can do is to educate some American citizens as to why he is.. as to the fact that he is violating the constitution, and why I think he is violating the constitution, if every American citizen doesn't watch that video, what a shame, what a loss, what empathy, and then we wonder what.. why.. what comes.. will come.. what.. ... what will come is going to be a cause of humans.
[search Obama Impeachment.., like :: :: etc]

..God is measuring everyone of us, I believe that at this moment we choose our alignment, for our alignment is to create.. is towards the.. beautiful.. the ennoblement of man, it's the recognition of God in man, [how do we see that] how does he see [know] that, he knows that already, the Mahdi [A] is already choosing his sides, he is pulling his army, all we can do is stand here and offer a hand of light, of knowledge, of information, of principle, and those who reject it, if they are lost, you know that is their loss. As we all know, it's not the Shia tradition to murder people, that's Wahhabi, Salafi, that's, you know that's.. it's a Satanic tradition..

So, we need to do multiple things, on one hand, I want to try to do projects like Ashoora, to try to educate people about what is Shiism, what is principle of Hussain, Ali, the principle of helping your fellow man, ennobling him, on the other hand, I think we have to teach people that God is very Real & Present and it's not for their.. it's not for the sake of my soul that I wanna try to save people, it's for the sake of mankind, for our future, it's for the sake of their own souls. I was told in.. in Iran by one of their top Jinn Masters there that he believes that Mahdi [A] showed himself for the first time in 2006 in the invasion of Lebanon [Israeli/American Aggression]..

I was told in.. in Iran by one of their top Jinn Masters there that he believes that Mahdi [A] showed himself for the first time in 2006 in the invasion of Lebanon, the 33 Day War because no one expected Israel would loose that war, no one would have predicted it, Israel planned it for months if not years, how could they not even go a kilometer into that country but than you start[ed] to hear reports, this is very interesting and I heard this from multiple resources, some from Lebanese, some from the Iranians, a fire flying from the skies, fire balls from the heavens, when there would be two men, you know[as] Hizbullah [were] often [at] times were [only] one or two men teams, if you were running at tanks and all of a sudden fire from heavens..

..if you were running at tanks and all of a sudden fire from heavens would launch and destroy whole tanks, the Israelite would flee, there were many reports of Israelite with their arms severed clean, swords.. when [they] were analysed the wounds were indicating swords that were thousands of years old. Are these Sings of the Return of the Mahdi [A], the Jinn Masters think so, I think so because I remember that very well when that invasion took place. I remember how the consciousness in my.. at least my consciousness shifted and I realized this is world war 3, this is 2006.. we are going into world war 3, this is it.. but something activated and I remember consciously praying against the.. consciously trying to envision light..

..consciously trying to envision light, consciously trying to project the best and I think the best.. the best results followed. Lebanon was kept independent, Israel baked to.. up.. backed out.. there was a.. proclaimed draw! But Mahdi [A] won, the Light one [Salutations]. But I say this to say simply.. in my consciousness I believe I participated.. through prayer.. through my prayer.. through my intention. I think I had an effect, if every human being can understand that, the first hadith is what, what is your intention, do you intend for the best, that's what this whole reality is based upon, it's our intention..

..the 1st hadith is what, what is your intention, do you intend for the best, that's what this whole reality is based upon, it's our intention, if we intend for the betterment of man, if every human being starts to wake up and intend this, to pray for this, to activate themselves, the world will change, these satanists have no power, the reason The Wizard of Oz.. is an old man.. is that he is.. Baum.. the Frank Baum.. the author is telling you the truth, these people have great voice, they are great manipulators.. [19:07]

..they have illusions, they have tricks, they have magic tricks, just like Pharaoh's Court.. but if they are so strong, why are they hiding.. if they are so strong why don't they come out and say their intention, why do they have to manipulate [crowd claps]. So this is the time, I believe in 2012 this is the time, this is the time of awakening, to occupy Wall Street, to have know sprouting up, the people are not happy, they know that their system is collapsing.. [19:45] You can do something very simple, I mean.. [can't relate to the word he says here] .. very simple measure, why isn't the government passed this by now, this would simply protect deposit-er's money from the investment banks that are speculating with our money..

You can do something very simple, I mean.. [can't relate to the word he says here] .. very simple measure, why isn't the government passed this by now, this would simply protect deposit-er's money from the investment banks that are speculating with our money..they are playing with our money without our permission, we don't know what they are doing with it, why don't you ... [again, can't get it] and simply protect, go back to the old way, up until 2000, why don't you do that, why doesn't the government do it, because they wanna collapse the system, they want world war, they want martial law, they want destruction because they will profit from it, they think they will, and they probably have been more nefarious with means and reasons..

..but what we can do is spread light, which is consciousness, which is love, prayer is one aspect, participation, educating ourselves, educating our fellow men, that's the greatest sword we have, the Great Sword of 'Ali [A] is our ability to speak, to communicate, to learn and transmit that and than God will have His way with us, you know what do we have to fear.. what do we have to fear, right [?], so long as our intentions, our prayers are pure, we have [got] nothing to fear, so that's my message, this is an age that they want you to believe.. is terrorizing.. is fearful.. Apocalypse is coming, the Apocalypse is am amazing, amazing experience, it's the unveiling, it's the unveiling of consciousness, if we choose to see, if we choose to understand [21:13]..

..if we choose to see [12:21], if we choose to understand.. that really the [their whole] power structure [is] crumbling [completely] and the power always belonged with us, with every one of us..human beings, it's only upon our work, upon our sweat that this whole creation exists, as God said He made this existence for man, He didn't make it for a few, He didn't make it for the Jinns, He made it for man, so, at any moment we choose to take it back, we take responsibility, as Christ, as every prophet, as Mohammad [S], every prophet has taken responsibility for mankind and that is our obligation.. to take responsibility and have faith IA God always will do as He wills. [Video Ends] |.. courtesy of thanks to ::

[OLDER POST] Sean Ali Stone speech at U M A A :: 
Sean Ali Stone [Ex Non Muslim] :: So, uh, so it's very funny when I hear this "Sean Stone converted to Islam" and I keep telling them the same thing I told them in Iran. I did not convert to Islam, you cannot change, you can't convert [he means] if you maintain the same God, I did not change gods, what i did was I accepted Mohammad [P] as a prophet, last Prophet [Salutations, Sean smiles :) and says] "I like that sound". Uh, I wish, I have to learn Arabic [giggles] and Farsi too, but, it's an acceptance of Islam which is to say, you know, I have come from a Jewish bloodline, partly. Uh, baptized, in the Church, Protestant, and accepted Mohammad [S] but what the point is that I want, I hope that people understand that we are coming to a new age of engagement between each other and the problem that I have seen across many countries is the way that people basically categorize themselves. They put up stereotypes and they put up orders around what is possible and impossible and we forget that ultimately as the old testament says "All men is created in the image of God" and so really what does that mean that we are here, all of us, as different colors, different shades, diff aspects of that One Creator and the more we can recognize the Creator within each other, respect our fellow men as such, that is our, that is how we give thanks to God, that is how we praise God and so the religious practice is a formality, as we know, we are Shia. I accepted Shia Islam because I love Imam Ali [A], I love Imam Hussain [A], Ashura and I love the fact that the Shia of.. [crowd clapping and a brief break, salutations]. You know I think the Shia are the Last of the Mohicans, I call it. It's.. truly, I have participated in the.. uh, one of the songs of Ashoora when I was in Iran last beating of the chest and this amazing energy that we created in giving honor to the sacrifice because that's what the Shia are about, they stand for the oppressed, they stand for the common man against empire, against tyranny, we don't submit when the Yazid or a caliph tells us to and that's what we need in the world and that's frankly why even before accepting Islam my friends who were Shia always said to me, you know, they fear us, they really do. Who did he mean, he means The Empire, The Satanic Empire that rules the world and we can get into that. Uh, but they fear the power of faith and it's something that you have to earn, it's not something that you can simply claim, you can't simply stand and say I am a Christian, I am Jew, I am a Muslim, I have the right, you know, by claiming that, to execute you, to tell you what to do, to tell you what to wear, to what to think, that's not your power, God doesn't empower you to do that. The humility is.. of Islam is to submit to God. To rectify yourself and be able to say I stand in relation to my maker and I answer to Him and if I can be an image, a model, for other to follow, then I am in the tradition of Shiism, I am in the tradition of Imam Hussain [A], who dies.. takes upon himself the sacrifice, not as an aggressor, but being aggressed [upon]. His people being terrorized and being threatened with death, he [Hussain] says I will do what is Just, what is Righteous, which is to sacrifice myself, and that's the model that we should follow. This is the nature of Islam to me, is finding, is being a model citizen, a model human being and standing for the rights of the oppressed in this world we live in but the problem.., I will start, I will start with this, I will start with my personal path, which is to say through faith, how do you earn faith, how do you find faith, you can't simply [be born].. you know.. [you can't] be born into religion if you are born into the world and you say.. you have.. you know.. you believe something, but you don't know what.. how do you find.. how do you find God? In my case, it was probably in abandoned mental hospitals, it was in.. one place particularly called [the] House of the Damned, it was a.. old house in L.. Village, which was a mental hospital for kids and this place was known as [the] House of the Damned because the legend had it that a Catholic Priest used to systamatically kidnap, rape, sacrifice satanically young children from this mental hospital, there were about 20 or 30 kids that were killed in this way, this was done.. this was a known legend in that area, it took place probably 40 or 50 years ago, maybe 60, but the house.. we wanted to explore it, we wanted to find out for ourself, if it was haunted, what lived there, well, this world becomes a subject of a film I made called Greystone and IA documentaries to come about it because we face there demon posession, I have seen people transformed.. from demons, djinns took posession of them, screaming.. they lost coherence, they lost posession of their bodies. We walked into the house one night on valentine's day in 2010, myself and my friend Alex, who is also a Shia, Lebanese, and all we had was faith. We had no idea what we were walking into, we had candles, we were gonna pray for the souls of the dead and as we walked towards this house we heard demons, we heard laughing, we heard children screaming, alone in an abandomed house, hawling of wolfs, and we kept going on, staying focused, saying we are here to pray, and that all we did, we walked through the house, we put down 3 candles, lit them and prayed for the souls of the children. Meanwhile, demons are laughing and hawling, mocking us, but I.. we didn't fear it, we walked through it, we got out and few months later the house burned down. Wasn't my doing, but there was.. there was a justice to it, God Acted, you have to have faith and God will always Act as He wills but you have to have.. first you have to have that faith, you have to have that prayer, we prayed for the souls of the children, I think the souls of the children that were harmed there were released from that place, I believe that the djinns that lived there were exiled, hopefully they will all return to heaven. The point is, by going through this path, by facing what is unknown, the only thing you have is the light of your consciousness, the faith in your heart, the ability to carry [on] into these dark places and know that you have a principle to stand upon because really at every moment we are dealing with the unknown, this is all practice, this is training, you know you don't have to go look for djinns, you don't have to go into haunted houses to do it, but it's one form of training, it's what, you know.. in a sense what Hizbullah does, it's a training to find your ability to face what you don't know. Everyday now we are facing a future we don't know, every moment we can be struck down, any moment we can be taken from this earth, any moment the economy will collapse completely, we can hit hyper inflation, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, destruction, death, much of this is prophecy, much of this may come this year, next year, in any case we have to face death, it's part of life, but what gives us the courage to carry on. What gives us the seed of the idea that there is a future beyond and I think that comes from the principle of faith. You see we live in very dark times.. I think everyone knows it, for me it hit in 2009 in a very particular way where I said this is the end of history, quite literally, it is the end of history as we know it. We were about to.. this is right at the.. [I think it's..] maybe it was 2008-9.. right at the cap of the economic collapse, those of us who payed attention to this stuff knew that it was coming but end of history meant something else, it meant that they were entering a new phase of reality, where the world that you asume is normal and ordinary may not be that way tomorrow, the stock market that you think is.. you know.. will survive, could collapse, the housing market, all these, these, these are just various.. these are just various glimpses of material collapse taking place around us but it's an evidence of something much bigger, it's evidence that we are hitting a transition point in the world, we don't have to rely upon the dictates of old, what the empire tells us, [that] this is the way you should live, this is the way you should think because frankly they have no principle, that's why you look around, what you see, what kind of culture do you see, what kind of insanity and madness do you see, I will give you an example, look at Rehanna's video S&M, this is now more.. this is now common reality, Rehanna who is a product of the Illuminati, she is Jay-Z's apprentice, personally have some information about that but the point is that she is basically bought into it, as to be a.. as to be an object, an idol of worship, as most these people are, they have created an iconic culture which is complete heresy, doesn't matter if we are talking Judaism, Christianity or Islam, it's heretical, to put people as idols, they are not gods, why do you give them your energy, do they transform you, do they uplift you, Rehanna's S&M video she puts blatantly in front of you "Princess of the Illuminati" on one of the reporter's notepads, the whole video is about how sex is beastial, it's homoerotic, it's heterosexual, it's S&M, it's about pain is pleasure, the whole song is about pain and being pleasure, this is normalcy, this is now made normal, your children will grow up watching this, your children will grow up thinking this is the normal way of behavior, this is the way we should be. There is no principle, there is no morality, there is no love, it's 1984.. [I came to this? or something or] made this brave new world and if you can't handle it, take drugs, don't pray, if you can't handle it you are gonna face the hunger games, you will have to fight to survive and to kill each other, but no one prays in that film, no one actually talks of God, no one talks about the moral consequences of murder, because they are kids, they don't know any better, but we are adults, we are suppose to be smarter, we are suppose to be more mature, we are supposed to be elevating our people, why do we treat them.. all as children, they are too.. they are too ignorant to know better? Well that's why we have principle, that's what we have to stand upon, the principles of our faith, of our religion, and beyond.. The Principles of religion, you know.. it's not the Letter of the Law, as Christ always talked about the Spirit of the Law, it's not about persecuting someone because they work on the Sabbath, it's not about persecuting them because they don't wear hijab but you can educate them, you can tell them, you can lead them and give them an opportunity to understand [learn] that why their path may be wrong. You don't have to persecute them but we are in an age now where human rights doesn't mean the right to build a city, the right to dream of a future, to industrialize, to have higher order of energy and oil, right? To dream of traveling to Mars, to dream of space, that's not a human right, a human right is to prostitute ourself, a human right is to steal from our neighbor, our human right is greed, that's what they call freedom! You see now why it is satanic, the satanic impulse isn't.. your human right is not the freedom to create, to build.. it's the "freedom" to destroy, it's "freedom" to take, so they created a satanic empire and it's now at it's last glimpse, you are gonna.. we are gonna see in the coming years a world that only God can dream of, maybe the Hadith is predicting it, maybe their will be madness in cities, maybe there will be earthquakes and destruction, maybe half of the world population will die [transfer to Barzakh; life after physical death in stages..stations of hereafter].. many people think this, personally I have more faith, I have more faith in God [SWT], I have more faith in Mahdi [A], the power of Light to transform, the power of consciousness to heal, the power that at any moment as human beings we can simply say no we don't accept your standards, we don't accept your norms, we will not go along, we will resist, I made a video to impeach Obama on principle. Weather or not he is impeached, it's not my power, all I can do is to educate some American citizens as to why he is.. as to the fact that he is violating the constitution, and why I think he is violating the constitution, if every American citizen doesn't watch that video, what a shame, what a loss, what empathy, and then we wonder what.. why.. what comes.. will come.. what.. ... what will come is going to be a cause of humans. God is measuring everyone of us, I believe that at this moment we choose our alignment, for our alignment is to create.. 15:00 IN VIDEO :: and still under constrution as the video is ending at 22:09

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