

How unfortunate are the ones
 unaware of the Right(s) of Fatima (S)
 and those who snatched away her right(s),
 people keep complaining Allah about and
 are so busy with their (own) problems
 that they have no "time"
Where did their sense[s], conscience,
 consciousness.. (etc) go when it comes
 to Fatima (S). Soon they/we will taste
 the deeds that they/we commit(ed)
 in relation to her; (+/-) positive
 &/or negative .
It is as if some, like atheists/agnostics,
 are blind to the Divine Love, they locked
 their (higher/multidimensional/spiritual)
 senses, so seeking spiritual stupidity
 by suppressing their innate Love
 and act as if unaware of why Allah
 created the Universe & for whom
 it IS Existent.
The world will NOT witness Justice
 up until the Day the Oppressors
 of Fatima (S) & Family (A) are
 brought to Justice (!). -MAAA