
Koran [the-Recitation] 6:126-134

Surat Al-'An`ām (The Cattle) - سورة الأنعام

This is the straight path of your Lord. Distinct have We made Our signs for those who reflect. (126) For them is an abode of peace with their Lord. He will be their defender as reward for what they did. (127) On the day He will gather them together, (He will say:) "O you assembly of jinns, you made great use of men." But their proteges among men will say: "O our Lord, we lived a life of mutual gain, but have now reached the term You ordained for us." "Your abode is Hell," He will say, "where you will dwell for ever, unless God please otherwise." Verily your Lord is wise and all-knowing. (128) Thus do We place some sinners over others as requital for their deeds. (129) O you assembly of jinns and men, did not apostles come to you from among you, communicating My signs to you, bringing warnings of this your day (of Doom)?" They will answer: "We bear witness to our sins." They were surely deluded by the life of the world, and bore witness against themselves because they were unbelievers. (130)  And this (so that it may be clear) that your Lord does not destroy towns and cities arbitrarily while the citizens remain unaware. (131) Every one has his place according to his deeds, for your Lord is not negligent of what you do. (132) Your Lord is all-sufficient and full of benevolence. He can take you away if He please, and make whom He will succeed you, as He had raised you from the progeny of others. (133) The promise that was made to you is bound to be fulfilled. It is not in your power to defeat it. (134)

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 6:126]

The religion of Islam, the only right path shown by the Quran, is followed by those whose hearts and minds have been enlightened. They understand the signs of Allah and receive guidance. Their abode, in the hereafter, is the eternal land of peace and happiness (darussalam).

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 6:127] (see commentary for verse 126)

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 6:128]

According to the root meaning of jinn (to be covered or hidden) they are invisible beings. Jinn are stated to have been created from fire. In many verses jinn and men (created from clay) are spoken of together. The angels are the spirit of goodness and jinn are the spirit of evil. For further information, see commentary of al Baqarah : 30 under "Jinn". As an illustration the word jinn is also used for the mischief-makers among the disbelievers (for whom the word shayatin, the devils, has also been used). Ibn Abbas says that in this verse jinn means "the leaders of the infidels", because they used to plan their wicked intrigues in secret meetings, and in times of turmoil and defeat used to hide themselves behind their worldly positions.

Aqa Mahdi Puya says:

This verse asserts the existence of invisible beings who establish communication with the human beings and influence the weak-minded among them so as to lead them astray from the right path. Evil consorts with evil because of their mutual bargains, bound as they are to each other in the planning and execution of evil.

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 6:129] (see commentary for verse 128)

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 6:130]

Aqa Mahdi Puya says:

Minkum (from among you) indicates that messengers of Allah had also been sent to the jinn (a separate people) because the Quran says: "We have sent a guide to every people." As man is superior to all the created beings the messengers sent to the jinn must have worked under the human-prophets, but the Holy Prophet was the sole guide for all the created beings, men, jinn and angels, and for this reason the jinn have been addressed in the Quran - Ahqaf : 29; Rahman : 33; Jinn : 1.

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 6:131]

Aqa Mahdi Puya says:

As a principle no one is punished unless the divine guidance is made available to him.

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 6:132]

There will be degrees in our spiritual position according to the degrees of good and evil in our deeds and motives.

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 6:133]

Allah is self-sufficient, independent, standing in no need of our worship of Him or our good, nor does our evil affect Him in the least. It is out of His mercy that for our good He sent His messengers. Any race or people whom He gives opportunities to follow the right path should know that in the event of their deviation and disobedience He may create others in their place, as He did in the past.

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 6:134]

Tu-aduna literally means "promised", but here it implies the warning of punishment to be inflicted upon the disbelievers on the day of judgement.