
The Event of the Cloak by Rosemary-(Mariam) Al- Attar – A Rhyming Version

The Event of the Cloak by Rosemary-(Mariam) Al- Attar – A Rhyming Version

The Event of the Cloak (Hadith-e-Kisa)

This is the event of the Yamani Cloak
Of which to Jabir, Fatima spoke.
Said She: "My dear father came one day
He entered my house and to me did say:

“Beloved daughter! Peace on you.”
Replied I: “Oh father! Peace on you too.”
Said He: “Of a feeling of weakness I cannot be rid.”
Said I: “That you are ill, may Allah forbid!”

He continued: “O Fatima! Wrap a cloak around me.”
I wrapped one Yamani around Him closely.
I saw that His face glowed like the full moon,
And then my son Hassan entered the room,
Saying: “Dear mother! Peace of Allah be on you.”
To which I replied: “And peace on you too-
Apple of my eye, my loving one,
Delight of my heart! My first born son.”
He said: “dear mother, I can smell

A delightful fragrance I know full well;
That of my loving grandfather dear:
I am sure that He is here!”
“Yes” I said. “He is here,

Your beloved grandfather so dear.
See! There, under the clock.”
Hassan towards Him went, and spoke,
Saying: “O grandfather! Peace on you.
May I come with you in the cloak too?”

To which my loving father replied:
“Peace on you too. Yes, come inside-
Owner of Kauthar, my dear grandson,
You are welcome-in you come!”
Thus Hassan entered within the cloak.
Then Hussain came in and to me spoke,
Saying: “Dear mother! Peace of Allah on you.”
To which I replied: “And peace on you too-
Apple of my eye, my loving one,
Delight of my heart! My younger son.”
He said: “Dear mother, I can smell
A delightful fragrance I know full well:
That of my loving grandfather dear:
I am sure that He is here,
“Yes” I said. “He is here,

And with him is your brother dear
See! There, under the clock.”
Hussain towards them went, and spoke,
Saying: “O Allah’s Prophet, Peace on you!
You permission to enter the Cloak with you too?”
To which my loving father replied:
“Peace on you too. Yes, come inside-
My Ummah’s mediator, my dear grandson,
You are welcome, in you come!”
Thus Hussain too entered the cloak.

Came Ali ibn Abe Talib, and spoke:
“Beloved daughter of Allah’s prophet! Peace on you.”
Said I: “Commander of the faithful! Peace on you too.”

He said: “O Fatima! I can smell
A delightful fragrance I know full well:
That of my brother, my uncle’s son-
He must be here, that precious one!”
Said I: “he is here, and your too sons, in that cloak.”
Towards them went Ali and gently spoke:
“O prophet of Allah! Peace be on you.
May I enter the cloak with the three of you?”
To which my beloved father replied:
“Peace on you also. Yes, come inside-
My brother, vicegerent, successor, standard bearer-
Yes, you too, of the cloak may be the wearer!”
The Ali also went inside the cloak,
And I went to them, and thus I spoke:

“Peace on you my loving father-
Seal of the prophets, after you no other
May I too join you within the cloak?”
Then to me, my father spoke:
“Beloved daughter! Peace upon you.
My dear heart-you may join us too.”

Thus I also went inside the cloak,
And, when we were settled, my father spoke.
He gathered together the ends of the cloak,
Raised his right hand to the sky and spoke,
Saying: “O Lord! Ahlul-Bayt- my progeny,
In them I confide, and they support me.
Their flesh is my flesh, their blood as my own,
Whoever hurts them hurts my flesh and bone.

Whoever displeases them, displeases me,
Who is at peace with them, at peace with me shall be.
Who feels towards them enmity, shall be my enemy.
Whoever is a friend to the, is a friend to me:
Because I am a part of them and they are a part of me.
O Allah! Bestow Your peace on them and upon me-
And also Your Benevolence, and your mercy!
For Your Forgiveness and Pleasure is our earnest plea.
From unseemliness, keep them away;
Pure and purified let them stay!”

Then said Almighty Allah, the Lord:
“Listen O Angels, to My Word!
And inmates of heaven listen well-
To what I am about to tell:
This solid firmament, and well-stretched earth,
Well-lighted moon, and sun’s blazing girth,
Rotating planets, and rippling seas
On which ships float and sail with ease:

And the rest of creation and all things alive,
I created for the sake and love of these five,
Theses five persons inside the cloak.”
At this, Archangel Gabriel spoke,
Asking: “who are these five O Lord,
That You honour them by this special Word?”
The Lord replied: “Let it be understood
That here are the assets of Prophethood-
Fatima, her husband, and her two sons,
With my prophet her father: these are the ones,

These are the five within the cloak.”
Hearing this, again Gabriel spoke:
“O Lord! Your permission I wish to take
to join these five, the sixth to make.”
Then said the Lord: “My permission is given.”
So Archangel Gabriel came down from the heaven,
And said: “Peace on you, O Prophet of Allah!
And greetings from Almighty Allah!
Grace and Mercy He does bestow

On you, His Prophet, here below.
A message is sent by the Gracious Lord
For you I have brought: this is His Word:
“By my Grace and Grandeur!
I am the Creator!
This solid firmament, and well-stretched earth,
Well-lighted moon, and sun’s blazing girth,
Rotating planets, and rippling seas
On which ships float and sail with ease:
For your sake I created all this- and more,
And for those who ardently follow and adore.”

“And,” continued Gabriel,
“the Lord has permitted that I, as well,
enter the cloak with the five of you-
that is, if you allow me to.”
“Peace on you too,” my father replied,
“Yes indeed, you may come inside-
you of divine revelation, the bearer!
You too of the cloak may be the wearer.”
Thus Gabriel also entered the cloak
And more to my loving father spoke:
“His Revelation Allah sends to you,
And I am commanded to
That all of pollution you will be kept clear-
You and your Ahlul-Bayt so dear.”
Then Ali to my father spoke:
What merit is there being in the cloak?
What merit has it before the All-Seeing?”
My father replied: “By that same Being
Who made His prophet for mankind’s salvation,
When our Shi’ah and supporter gather for narration
Of this great event, Allah will bestow
His Blessings and Mercy on those below:
And as long as those gathered together will stay,
To forgive their sins the angels will pray.”
At this my husband said “By Allah!
Triumphant are we and our Shi’ah!!
Then the prophet said: “O Ali!
By that same Being Who so made me
A righteous prophet for mankind’s salvation,
When our Shi’ah and followers make recitation
Of this event, if any are in despair or pain,
Allah will relieve them, to their gain:
And Allah as always, will take heed
And bring relief to those in need.”
Said Ali: “By Allah! We are crowned with success:
For Us, and our Shi’ah, the Lord does bless.
By the Lord of the Ka’bah! Triumphant are we-
Blessed in this life and the life-to-be.”
11 Feb 2006
