

Stephen LaBerge, Ph. D.and Howard Rheingold

1. The World of Lucid Dreaming [LINK ::]

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2. Preparation for Learning Lucid Dreaming
3. Waking Up in the Dream World
4. Falling Asleep Consciously
5. The Building of Dreams
6. Principles and Practice of Lucid Dreaming
7. Adventures and Explorations
8. Rehearsal for Living
9. Creative Problem Solving
10. Overcoming Nightmares
11. The Healing Dream
12. Life Is a Dream: Intimations of a Wider World

Afterword: The Adventure Continues
Appendix: Supplementary Exercises



1: The World of Lucid Dreaming
Your present state of consciousness

2: Preparation for Learning Lucid Dreaming
Cataloging your dreamsigns
Goal setting for success
Scheduling time for lucid dreaming
Progressive relaxation
Sixty-one-point relaxation

3: Waking Up in the Dream World
Critical state-testing technique
Power of resolution technique
Intention technique
Reflection-intention technique
Prospective memory training
MILD technique
Autosuggestion technique

4: Falling Asleep Consciously
Hypnagogic imagery technique
Relaxed (“pot-shaped”) breathing
Power of visualization: White dot technique
Power of visualization: Black dot technique
Dream lotus and flame technique
Count yourself to sleep technique
The twin bodies technique
The one body technique
The no body technique

5: The Building of Dreams
How schemas take us beyond the information given

6: Principles and Practice of Lucid Dreaming
The spinning technique
The dream television
Lucid dream incubation
Spinning a new dream scene
Strike the set, change the channel

7: Adventures and Explorations
How to script your own adventure
You are the hero

8: Rehearsal for Living
Lucid dream workout
Playing to the dream audience

9: Creative Problem Solving
Lucid dream problem solving
Building a lucid dream workshop

10: Overcoming Nightmares
Conversing with dream characters
Redreaming recurrent nightmares

11: The Healing Dream
Seeking opportunities for integration

12: Life Is a Dream:
Intimations of a Wider World
Seeking the highest

Afterword: The Adventure Continues

Appendix: Supplementary Exercises
Understanding the value of the will
Strengthening your will
Candle concentration
Visualization training

We cannot say how much we owe to our predecessors; without the efforts of countless others, this work could not have been accomplished. Thanks to them all, known and unknown.

We especially wish to thank all the people who wrote to us about their experiences with lucid dreaming, especially those whose reports we used. It would have been impossible to obtain permissions from everyone, so we have used initials for attributions rather than full names.

Thanks also to Joanne Blokker, Charles Brandon, the Fetzer Institute, Dr. Oscar Janiger, the Monteverde Foun-dation, and Jonathan Parker of the Institute for Human De-velopment for financial and other support which made this book possible. Drs. William Dement and Phil Zimbardo provided professional encouragement. Our agent, John Brockman, earned his percentage many times over. Laurie Cook, Dorothy LaBerge, Michael LaPointe, K. Romana Machado, and Judith Rheingold all read drafts of the book and made valuable suggestions. Cheryl Woodruff’s perspicacious editing did much to make the book more human and intelligible.

Mushkil Gusha made the usual contribution. Finally, we gratefully acknowledge that Lynne Levitan deserves to be a coauthor for all the work she put into the book.