

[13:7] Ahmed Ali

The unbelievers say: "Why no miracle was sent down to him by his Lord?" But you are only a bearer of warnings, and a guide for every nation.

[Shakir 13:7] And those who disbelieve say: Why has not a sign been sent down upon him from his Lord? You are only a warner and (there is) a guide for every people.

[Pickthal 13:7] Those who disbelieve say: If only some portent were sent down upon him from his Lord! Thou art a warner only, and for every folk a guide.

[Yusufali 13:7] And the Unbelievers say: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord?" But thou art truly a warner, and to every people a guide.

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 13:7]

The Quran treats the miracles as subordinate to the moral and spiritual evidences and signs demonstrated by the Holy Prophet, who was sent as a warner.

Refer to the commentary of al Baqarah: 118. "And for every people there is a guide."

Thalabi in his Tafsir relates on the authority of Ibn Abbas that when this verse was revealed the Holy Prophet said: "I am the warner and Ali is the guide. O Ali, through you those who are guided will receive true guidance."

This tradition has also been reported and confirmed by Ibn Marduwayh, Ibn Hatim, Tabarani, Ibn Asakir, Suyuti, Ahmad bin Hambal, Fakhruddin Razi and Abu Nu-aym.

Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir also said that "the warner" means the Holy Prophet and "the guide" means Ali and added "the authority to guide continues among us". This verse also points to the continued existence of a "guide", namely al Mahdi al Qa-im (refer to the commentary of al Bara-at: 32 and 33); and for "the true guides" refer to the commentary of Yunus: 35. The Holy Prophet is a warner for all people in all times, so the Imam (guide) in his progeny is also for all people in every age.

The enemies of the Ahl ul Bayt try to conceal their merits, and deny their divine rights, but Allah's plan is always executed and His will invariably takes effect:
They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah wills to perfect His light, however the unbelievers may dislike it. (Saff: 8)
Allah had willed and thoroughly purified the Ahl ul Bayt (Ahzab: 33) and established them as the only truthfuls at the time of mubahilah (Ali Imran: 61).

Aqa Mahdi Puya says:

There are three interpretations of the last passage of this verse:

(i) The Holy Prophet is a warner and a guide for every nation.
(ii) The Holy Prophet is a warner and every nation had a guide.
(iii) The Holy Prophet is a warner and every nation has a guide.

In view of the above-noted tradition reported by a large number of Muslim scholars the last interpretation must be accepted.

Refuting Ibn Hashmi's Distortion of Qur'an 13:7

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
A Nasibi, popularly called Ibn Hashmi, wrote an article in which he claims thus:
This translation of verse 13:7 relies on the current "Shakir" translation which is actually a forgery based off of Maulana Muhammad Ali's 1917 translation, who was an Ahmadi (i.e. Qadiani)!
The proper translation of the Quranic verse reads:

Verse 13:7

YUSUFALI: And the disbelievers say: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord?" But you (O Muhammad) are truly a warner and to every people a guide.

PICKTHAL: Those who disbelieve say: "If only some portent were sent down upon him from his Lord!" You (O Muhammad) are a warner only and for every folk a guide.

It is clear that here Allah has called the Prophet Muhammad as both a warner and a guide to all people. Indeed, it is our Islamic belief that the Prophet was the only Prophet sent to all of mankind, and this is what is meant by this Quranic verse.

Ibn Hashmi accuses Shakir for copying a Qadiani and forging in his translation of Qur'an 13:7. Let us see how Shakir has translated it:

[Shakir 13:7] You are only a warner and (there is) a guide for every people.

Whoever knows Arabic and is honest with himself knows that Shakir has rendered the accurate translation and that Yusuf Ali and Pickthal have actually distorted it. What baffles the Nasibi is the thought that the Qur'an supports the Shiite claim that there is always a divine guide on the earth for its people. This includes our age too. Thus, Ibn Hashmi and his Nasibi ilk would be forced to ask: who then is the divine guide now? Naturally, their entire aqida collpases in the face of this verse.

Is there a divine Imam at this time?

The verse says yes!

One can then see why Ibn Hashmi attacks the translation of Shakir, and tries to declare the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the warner AND the guide for all people in the verse!

Ibn Hashmi's hypocrisy is exposed by the fact that even the Salafi translators (and he is a Salafi) support Shakir! This is how al-Hilali and Khan have translated the verse:

You are only a warner, and to every people there is a guide.

So, the hypocrisy and deception of Ibn Hashmi is clear to all. The verse does support the theory that there is always a divine guide on the face of the earth!

The question is: who was the first divine guide after the Messenger of Allah (pbuh)? Was it Abubakr?

Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani in his Fath al-Bari Sharh Sahih all-Bukhari vol. 8, p. 376 states:

Al-Tabari has narrated WITH A HASAN CHAIN through the route of Sa'eed ibn Jubayr from Ibn Abbas who said: When the verse "You are only a warner, and to every people there is a guide" was revealed, Allah's Apostle placed his hand on his chest and said: "I am the warner". Addressing Ali, he said: "You are the guide. Those seeking guidance will gain it through you after me".

A Shiite cleric, Shaykh Hadi al-Najafi, in his publication Muasassat Ahaadith Ahl al-Bayt, vol. 12, p. 6, number 14667 quotes this hadith from Kitab al-Kafi:

Abu Ja'far, peace be upon him, said concerning the verse "You are only a warner, and to every people there is a guide": Allah's Apostle is the warner. In every age, there is from us (Ahl al-Bayt) a divine guide guiding people to what the Prophet brought. The guide after the Prophet was Ali, then the awsiya (Ahl al-Bayt Imams) one after the other.

Commenting on the hadith, he states:

The hadith has a sahih chain. [LINK ::]

In case you do not accept the Infallible Imams, there is a potential problem that will not allow you to enter Islam. In such a case there is ignorance of who the Imam in this age is and that is greater ignorance, indeed. As for Wahhabi world, please ask your parents [if from a legitimate relation] or consult some spiritual scientist as to why your heart has hidden hatred for the Infallible Imams, maybe that will help you IA/If Allah allows, 110X, may Lord elevate us in these sacred moments.